The game is played on a map of the world that is, on closer inspection, the world itself. They prefer games that are short and violent.

Don't think the game is complicated though gods don't have the patience for complex games. The game they play is somewhere between Dungeons and Dragons, Risk and Chess, with Monopoly and Battleships thrown in for good measure along the way. Gods, of course, play games with the fates of men. It is revealed by Hughnon Ridcully in The Truth that gods can get sick, but from Small Gods we already knew that gods can die from lack of belief. Some small gods are gods that were once powerful, others are gods in potentia, as it were, waiting for someone to erect a small cairn, or pile of stones as a short prayer so that they can gain some power, perform a few miracles and gain believers.

Once there are no more believers, the god becomes a mere echo of a voice on the wind. As gods lose belief, they become weaker and smaller. The more people believe in a god, the more powerful that god becomes. Gods and people go hand in hand: gods need people to believe in them, and people need something to blame. Most people make the mistake of thinking that gods came first and then came the people to believe in them, when in fact the people came first, and then their belief created the gods.

The Discworld novels can be read in any order but Small Gods is a standalone.There are roughly 3,000 gods on the Discworld and research theologians are discovering more every day. He wants peace, justice and love-but that's hard to achieve in a world where religion means power, and corruption reigns supreme. Enter Brutha, the Chosen One-or at least the only One available. In such instances, you need an acolyte, and fast. So when the great god Om accidentally manifests himself as a lowly tortoise, stripped of all divine power, it's clear he's become less important than he realized. Everyone has their own opinion and their own gods, of every shape and size-all fighting for faith, followers, and a place at the top. Religion is a competitive business in the Discworld. Until one day he hears the voice of a god calling his name.

Like Brutha, a simple lad who only wants to tend his melon patch. Where the strangest things happen to the nicest people. Lost in the chill deeps of space between the galaxies, it sails on forever, a flat, circular world carried on the back of a giant turtle- Discworld -a land where the unexpected can be expected. The thirteenth novel in the Discworld series from New York Times bestselling author Sir Terry Pratchett. Tolkien with a sharper, more satiric edge." -Houston Chronicle Pratchett's Discworld books are filled with humor and magic." -Chicago Tribune