The backgrounds don't look particularly 16- bittish, and the enemies are weakly illustrated. The graphics follow the three Ss: short, squashed, and simple. Discussions about bodily functions, crazed maniacs, and sexual innuendoes abound in EarthBound. The saving graces are the fairly good music and unintentionally hilarious adult humor. The lack of a convincing story line and the dull NES-done graphics (the game is a portover of an 8-bit Japanese Famicon title) will make serious RPG fans a little cautious about approaching EarthBound. As soon as you get enough money, buy another weapon. Check the box in your sister's room for the cracked bat. ProTip: Don't leave home without a weapon. People might look at the back of the box and then put it down, not giving it a fair chance. Graphic intensity! The graphics are nothing to get excited about, and I think that could hurt this game. This game wouldn't be nearly as good without it. The story line is definitely what makes this one a winner.

It wasn't until I sat down and gave the game more than a onceover that I realized this was no NES game. It looked like it could have been done on a Nintendo, and that was all the thought I gave it. When I first got a look at this game, I laughed out loud. This may be a Japanese game originally, but you can't tell by playing it. You can tell they really put their all into the game. This game has been coming for a long time now. The game is actually fun to sit down and play because not only do you get hours of fun from playing it, but you also laugh a lot (a nice surprise). The humor in this game is unexpected, but clearly evident. One of the Bosses belches crud at you and does some hellacious damage. There are all kinds of disgusting sound effects and such. This game is full of sick little human expulsions like that. For that matter, who would have thought you'd see blood from Nintendo. Who would ever have thought you'd read something like that while playing your Super NES. The effort is very evident in the game play. The people at Nintendo of Japan and Nintendo of America got together on the translation of this game to make it based more toward our culture. This game was originally called Mother 2 in Japan and was a hit over there. This is yet another RPG that is going to keep you up late on weeknights and all weekend long. While I don't know about that, I'll tell you this: The story line is going to make you want to play the game until you beat it. Some of our editors are saying that the story line is better than FF3's. The story line in this game is very intense.