VIDC.MP43=mpg4c32.dll Microsoft MPEG-4 V3

32-bit codecs are stored under this group VIDC.MJPG=CAPCDC.drv miroVIDEO DRX MJPEG codec 16-bit codecs are stored under this group ones - for instance, Huffyuv will act as a decompressor for YUY2/UYVY. It is not unusual for codecs to handle simple formats other than their primary although the codec may get first shot at handling the format if they are the same. The driver FOURCC does not have to be the same as the format, VIDC.xxxx = yyyy, where xxxx is the FOURCC for the driver and yyyy is the name Under Windows 95/98, codec entries are stored in SYSTEM.INI:

How do I manually add/remove/switch codecs? VirtualDub documentation: codecs Codecs are third-party drivers that export compression and decompression services to Windows applications.