My recollection is that the Mac UI will not immediately dothis it complains that the jar file may not be safe (true). On Mac OS X, the user interfaceshould respond to your double-clicking the jar file icon by running it as aJava program. Isuggest putting the file on your desktop. The downloaded file will be called drjava-beta-20160913-225446.jar. I openedthe download file for DrJava and then the application was unpacked, butthen it tells me that I need to install the legacy Java SE 6 runtime, eventhought I have JDK 8. I've downloaded JDK 8 and the latest verison of DrJava on Mac. I opened the download file for DrJava and then the application was unpacked, but then it tells me that I need to install the legacy Java SE 6 runtime, even thought I have JDK 8. So it seems that the 1.6 JDK (or at least the JRE portion of it) may keep coming back, depending on other apps you use. Afterward, the /System/Library/Frameworks/amework/Versions/CurrentJDK link was reset to /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents. UPDATE: After removing Java 1.6 from my machine, the next time I ran PhpStorm, it told me it needed to download and install the Java SE 6 runtime. Can someone give me the link to download Legacy Java SE 6 runtime for High Sierra? The Java SE 6 runtime download page I am on LINK: -archive-downloads-j avase6-419409.html there are NO Mac downloads listed. Make sure that the class name and file name are the same.I need the link to download the Legacy Java SE 6 runtime for High Sierra. Now write the first Java program as shown below, save the program as HelloWorld.java and exit the editor. In this step, we will write, compile, and execute our first program in Java using the standard Hello World example.

You can follow How To Switch Java Version On Mac.

It might be required to switch the active Java in case multiple JDKs are installed on the same Mac machine. This is all about installing Oracle JDK 17 on Mac systems including macOS Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina, and Big Sur.